PBs a plenty as Millie and Kev shine through

There were several PBs tonight at the first Club Handicap of the new season.

Millie Devine came home first in the junior race with a new PB of 9.55 beating older brother Alex into second who also secured a new pb of 8.49. Toby Smith 13.25 and Brodie Homewood 19,05 both also ran completing the first of their 2 qualifying runs.

In the Senior event it was Dawnie Bridges who arrived home first in a new PB of 17.03 taking 56 seconds of her previous best (not bad for a newly turned 40 year old)!!!, however, as this was her second qualifying run the win on the night went to Kevin Peel who also secured a PB on the night of 13.44.  Kev finished just ahead of Sarah Smith (overtaken in the last 100 mtrs) who also finished with a new PB of 16.00 beating her best by just 4 seconds. Other notable runs on the night were had by Carry Murphy 15.38, Steve Joy-Good 13.07, Jo Slade 16.37, Jack Little 18.51 and Neil Burford 14.18 (Steve, Jo, Jack and Neil all PBs).


[1 Millie Devine 9.55 PB], [2 Alex Devine 8.49 PB], [Q Toby Smith 13.25], [Q Brodie Homewood 19.05]


[Q Dawnie Bridges 17/03 PB], [1 Kevin Peel 13.44 PB], [2 Sarah Smith 16.00 PB], [Q Jack Little 18.51 PB], [3 Carry Murphy 15.38], [Q Jo Slade 16.37 PB], [4 Steve Joy-Good 13.07 PB], [Q Neil Burford 14.18 PB], [5 Barbara Johnson 16.52], [6 Anne Meadows 18.39], [Q Emily Hawke 19.28], [7 Mark Evans 15.04}