Club Safeguarding Guidelines

Yaxley Runners & Joggers

Safeguarding and Protecting Children in Athletics

1.0 Introduction

The club has adopted the guidance of UK Athletics, Safeguarding and Protecting Children in Athletics (UKA 2013), and strongly endorses that everyone who takes part in athletics is entitled to participate in an enjoyable and safe environment.

In adopting this guidance the club recognises it has a duty of care to safeguard all children and young people involved in its programmes and activities.

A child is defined as a person under the age of 18 years

The club is committed to promoting best practice when working with children, and to ensure that everyone involved in the club understands their responsibilities to safeguard children from harm and abuse. This means taking action to report any concerns about a child’s welfare. Concerns should be reported immediately to the Yaxley Runners & Joggers Welfare Officer. It is not the responsibility of athletics to determine whether or not abuse has taken place this is the domain of the child protection professionals.

2.0 Policy Statement

UK Athletics states that there is a legal and moral obligation to provide a duty of care, to protect all children and safeguard their welfare, irrespective of age, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, religion or belief, sex or gender and sexual orientation;

  • The welfare of the child is paramount.

  • All children have the right to protection from abuse

  • All suspicions and allegations of abuse and poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.

  • All individuals involved in athletics understand and accept their responsibility to report concerns to the appropriate officer.

In order to meet this obligation all Athletics bodies will:-

  • Provide and enforce procedures to safeguard the well being of all participants and protect them from abuse.

  • Ensure all children who take part in athletics are able to participate in a safe and fun environment.

  • Respect and uphold the rights, wishes and feelings of children.

  • Recruit, train and supervise their employees and volunteers to adopt best practise to safeguard and protect young people from abuse, and themselves from false allegations.

  • Require staff/volunteers to adopt and abide by their Safeguarding Policy and Procedures, Codes of Conduct and the relevant grievance, investigatory and disciplinary procedures.

  • Respond to any allegations appropriately and implement the appropriate complaints, child protection, disciplinary and appeals procedures.

  • Review policies regularly.

3.0 Club Coaches and Volunteers Working with Children

The club has adopted the guidance of UK Athletics in working with children and young people, and complies with the regulatory framework. There were changes in September 2012 to the definition of ‘Regulated Activity’. In relation to athletics the relevant part of the definition is;

‘Unsupervised activities: teach, train, instruct, care for or supervise children, or provide advice/guidance on well-being, or drive a vehicle for children.

Work under the above is Regulated Activity only if done regularly. Regular means carried out by the same person frequently, (once a week or more often), or on 4 or more days in a 30 day period.

4.0 Responding to Disclosure, Suspicions and Allegations

It is not the responsibility of club members to decide whether a concern constitutes abuse, but it is their responsibility to report any concerns about the welfare of a child. These concerns may arise due to;

  • An individual disclosing they are being abused.

  • The behaviour of an adult towards a child.

  • A number of indicators observed in a child over a period of time.

Any concern about the welfare of a child should be reported immediately to the Welfare Officer. The Welfare Officer can also be contacted to discuss any issues or concerns arising from this guidance.

Child Protection. The Child Protection in Sport Unit website offers a lot of information, from the standards for Safeguarding to basic and specialist training. A wide range of resources such as videos showing common situations in sports settings and advice for sports organisations, clubs and parents/carers are also available to watch or download.

The club also has an appointed Welfare Officer who can offer advice and guidance if needed on any matters relating to welfare.